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female tattoo

A little over a year ago.
A little over a year ago.
female tattoo

My second tattoo. ‘Have faith in me’ in french.
My second tattoo. ‘Have faith in me’ in french.
female tattoo
female tattoo

female tattoo
guy getting a tattoo of a female sign. plz help?
so im a guy and i was thinking about getting a tattoo of the female sign(the little circle with the cross at the bottem, im sure u all know what im talking about) anyway i was just wondering what everyone else thought of that. its something i have wanted for a long time. i just love females and i dont want to get a pinup because i love em all, white asian mex. black, etc. and i wouldnt be able to choose one, so i figured pick something that symbolizes all of them. thank u
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